- The Metro Vancouver Seismic Microzonation Mapping Project, Technical Presentation, Vancouver Geotechnical Society, January 21, 2025, Further details can be found HERE.
- Performance-based liquefaction hazard analysis and probabilistic liquefaction mapping for the western Metro Vancouver, December 5, 2024, The webinar recording is available for viewing HERE.
- H. Ghofrani, A. Ojo, M. Salsabili, SR Adhikari, S. Molnar, (2023). Updating a 3D Vs Model for Southwest British Columbia: From Regional Geodata to Ambient Noise Tomography, Seismological Society of America, Future Directions: Physics-Based Ground-Motion Modeling Meeting, Oct. 10-13 2023, Vancouver, BC, oral presentation.
- H. Ghofrani and S. Molnar, (2023). Advancements in 3D Seismic Wave Propagation Simulations of Scenario Earthquakes in Southwest British Columbia, Seismological Society of America, Future Directions: Physics-Based Ground-Motion Modeling Meeting, Oct. 10-13 2023, Vancouver, BC, poster presentation.
- S. Molnar, A. Bilson Darko, M. Kapron, (2023). Achieving deep site characterization in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, SSA annual meeting, Puerto Rico, April 17-20 2023, oral presentation.
- N. Gomez Jaramillo, S. Molnar, H. Ghofrani, (2023). Searching for Empirical Nonlinear Site Response Applicable to Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, SSA annual meeting, Puerto Rico, April 17-20 2023, oral presentation.
- Gomez-Jaramillo, N., Molnar, S. and Ghofrani, H. (2023). Searching for Empirical Nonlinear Site Response Applicable to Greater Vancouver, British Columbia. SSA annual meeting, 17-20 April 2023, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Oral presentation.
- Gomez-Jaramillo, N., Molnar, S. and Ghofrani, H. (2022). Searching for Empirical Nonlinear Site Response Applicable to Greater Vancouver, British Columbia. AGU 12-16 December 2022, Chicago-IL. Online poster presentation.
- A. Javanbakht, S. Molnar, A. Sadrekarimi, S. Adhikari, (2021). Regional liquefaction susceptibility mapping in Greater Vancouver based on surficial geology. GAC-MAC annual meeting, Nov. 1-5 2021, virtual oral presentation.
- S. R. Adhikari, S. Molnar, J. Wang, (2021). Development of a comprehensive regional geodatabase for seismic microzonation of Metropolitan Vancouver, Canada. GAC-MAC annual meeting, Nov. 1-5 2021, virtual oral presentation.
- M. Fyfe, S. Molnar, (2021). Importance of stakeholder engagement related to regional seismic hazard mapping, URBC, Oct. 7 2021, virtual oral presentation.
- S. R. Adhikari, S. Molnar, J. Wang (2021). Significance of geodatabase development for seismic microzonation in Metropolitan Vancouver, Canada. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 27 Sept. – 2 Oct. 2021, Sendai, Japan, Paper 4521, Virtual presentation.
- A. Javanbakht, S. Molnar, A. Sadrekarimi, S. Adhikari (2021). Liquefaction hazard mapping using geostatistical method in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 27 Sept. – 2 Oct. 2021, Sendai, Japan, Virtual presentation.
- S. R. Adhikari, S. Molnar, H. Ghofrani, J. Wang (2021). Region specific Vs30 across Metro Vancouver and impact to seismic design ground motions. 74th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 26-29 Sept. 2021, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Oral presentation.
- A. Javanbakht, S. Molnar, A. Sadrekarimi, S. Adhikari (2021). Liquefaction severity maps in a probabilistic ground motion environment for Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. 74th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 26-29 Sept. 2021, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Oral presentation.
- A. Sirohey, and S. Molnar, (2021). MHVSR ‘Big Data’ to outline standard procedures for data acquisition, processing, interpretation and presentation, SSA annual meeting, 19-23 April 2021, virtual poster presentation.
- C. Boucher, S. Molnar, (2020). Approaches to obtaining 1D Vs profiles at inversely dispersive and laterally heterogeneous sites using surface wave methods, AGU 2020 online meeting, Dec. 1-7 2020, inter-active poster presentation.
- M. Fyfe, and S. Molnar, (2020). The critical role of multi-stakeholder engagement for earthquake hazard mapping of Metro Vancouver. Canadian Risk & Hazards Network (CRHNet) virtual symposium & roundtable, 22 October 2020, oral session and presentation.
- C. Boucher, and S. Molnar, (2020). Surface wave methods in inversely dispersive and non-1D sites, Canadian Geophysical Union (CGU) annual meeting, 6 August 2020, virtual poster presentation.
- M. Fyfe, S. Molnar, (2020). Evaluating the use and communication of seismic hazard maps: A case study of Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Risk 2020 conference, 12th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 June 2020, Presented online.
- C. Boucher, and S. Molnar, (2020). Surface wave methods in inversely dispersive and non-1D sites, SSA annual meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 27-30 April 2020. Cancelled. Abstract in Seismological Research Letters, 91, 1172.
- M. Fyfe, and S. Molnar, (2020). Seismic microzonation mapping, CatIQ Connect, Feb 3-5 2020, Toronto, oral presentation.
- M. Fyfe, S. Molnar, (2020). Evaluating the use and communication of seismic hazard maps: Case study of Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. CatIQ Connect, Feb 3-5 2020, Toronto, poster presentation.
- S. Molnar, (2019). Earthquake site characterization and hazard model for Greater Vancouver, Site characterization in the Cascadia Region workshop, co-hosted by Pacific Geoscience Centre and Western University, Sidney, BC, Oct 1 2019.
- A. Fallah Yeznabad, S. Molnar, H. El Naggar,(2019). Assessing regional seismic slope stability and their application in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12CCEE), Quebec City, Quebec, June 17-20 2019.
- J. Assaf, S. Molnar, H. El Naggar, A. Sirohey, (2019). Seismic Site Characterization at Strong Motion Stations in Metro Vancouver, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12CCEE), Quebec City, Quebec, June 17-20 2019.
- H. Ghofrani, S. Molnar, (2019). 3D Sedimentary Basin Effects in the Metro Vancouver Area and Its Seismic Hazard Implications: Updates and Validations of the Georgia Basin Velocity Model, 12th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (12CCEE), Quebec City, Quebec, June 17-20 2019.
- A. Fallah Yeznabad, S. Molnar, and H. El Naggar. Seismic landslide hazard mapping for Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Western Research Forum, March 22 2019, poster presentation.
- J. Assaf, S. Molnar, H. El Naggar, (2018). Comprehensive earthquake site amplification assessment for Greater Vancouver, 71st Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
- S. Molnar, J. Assaf, A. Fallah Yeznabad, (2018). Seismic microzonation mapping project for Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. European Seismological Commission Meeting, Valletta, Malta, Sept 2-7 2018.